Sadie Ofstad

Drawing inspiration from Stephanie Adams Ruff’s wisdom, "Yoga is not advanced asanas (postures), Yoga is advanced awareness," Sadie creates all her classes centered on this core principle. Students are guided to become their own best teachers through exploration of various options within each pose, finding what best suits their individual needs in the present moment.

Each class encourages the development of awareness to bandhas (energy locks) and pranayama (breath regulation). By attuning to these physical tools, students can achieve a deeper connection between mind, body, breath, and heart, ultimately cultivating a sense of strength and stability with ease and comfort, both on and off the mat.

Sadie’s personal yoga journey began in 2004, initially focusing solely on physical fitness. Over time, the practice evolved into a deeper connection with heart, mind, and breath. The profound impact this transformation had on both her on-mat and off-mat life inspired her to pursue teacher training and guide others on their own yogic paths. In November 2022, she received her Yoga Alliance approved 200-hour yoga teacher training certification in Jaya yoga. Since January 2023, she has been teaching at QHPYL, while remaining a dedicated student of yoga herself.


Pam Granston


Samantha Mesman