Heidi Syvrud

Heidi discovered hot yoga in 2001 and was immediately hooked. She completed Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Hawaii, 2007. Nine weeks of yoga twice a day and learning the benefits of yoga in a setting like Waikiki sounded heavenly after completing a three-year stateside mobilization at Fort Lewis, Washington.

Heidi retired in 2010 after proudly serving 22 years in the United States Army Reserves, a Veteran of Desert Shield / Storm and with additional training as a Medical and Animal Care Specialist.

Since receiving her initial training in 2007, Heidi has passionately taught yoga ever since, guiding students in her own studio, other studios, online and on retreats around the world.

On almost any day of the week, you can come in and get a warm, friendly welcome from Heidi: she is either teaching a class, taking a class, or helping run the juice bar!

Come find out for yourself what an awesome instructor and person she is. Take a Hot 26 class with Heidi on either  Mondays at 5:30 PM (75 min); Tuesdays at 9:30 AM (60 min); or
Fridays at 4PM (60 min).


Heidi Donnelly


Kandi Perry